Eugène Ionesco – Découvertes
L'œuvre n'est pas une série de réponses, elle est une série de questions, elle n'est pas des explications, elle est des demandes d'explications, des demandes d'éclaircissement… c'est bien cela une œuvre : une série d'interrogations et puisqu'il y a construction on peut la considérer comme une architecture d'interrogation. Si tout pouvait s'expliquer, il n'y aurait pas de discours. Toute œuvre doit être mise en question. Comme on dirait : une mise en scène. Au bout du compte, il n'y a pas de réponse à donner. En tout cas, il n'y a pas de réponse définitive. Ainsi, ce n'est pas la réponse qui éclaire, c'est la question.
[Genève, 1969, éditeur : Albert Skira, Editions D' Art]
The manuscripts should have the following: Length : 4-10 pages in A4 (without the abstract and single-spaced) for articles, 1-3 pages single-spaced in A4 for book reviews; -Fonts : Times New Roman 12; - Title : centered, in capitals, subtitle in small case;-Block Quotations : Times New Roman 10. Please emphasize both in italics and between inverted commas, since a new text-processing might wipe off the italics; Author’s affiliation, the institution’s address and author’s functional e-mail address
Abstracts : For ALLRO, it is essential that abstracts genuinely display the strength of the point they make. The maximum length is about 250 words, therefore brevity should not be used to cover up for hastiness. Concision is welcome. Let it reflect the harmonization between the concision of thought and the concision of style. When the abstract is ready, authors should check if it is effective for specialists and for non-specialists as well. For the topics on Romanian literature, it is important that they strike a chord with readers who do not hold a degree in Romanian language and literature. Given ALLRO’s specific area of interest, in the abstract authors must also focus on a succint contextualization of their topic. That is why the abstracts are granted more words than in other cases. Please don't use the 250 words for something verbose or hairsplitting. The references should be in the text. Papers with footnotes as in Chicago manual style should be meticulous in this style rather than change format. For in-text citations, there are specific rules and specific styles. Please check them before submitting. Citation, bibliography: The academic style guide recommended for our journal is MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, seventh edition, 2009. The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) with footnote citation format is also accepted. All materials belonging to the prospective authors are protected by the respective copyright regulations. Members of ALLRO do not disclose the content of the materials and do not jeopardize in any way the copyright safety of the prospective articles. The address for sending the materials is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You can address your questions to the editorial secretary or to the reviews editors. You may use the mail address of the editorial secretary or the reviews editors for sending a manuscript. One cannot use the personal e-mails of the editors to negotiate the approval or rejection of the manuscript
Disclaimer : The responsibility of the opinions, ideas and attitudes expressed in this journal belongs solely to the authors. By sending us a cover letter or their CV, authors consent that the submitted articles are their original work.
All rights reserved. This publication cannot be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without asking the prior permission to Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Oradea.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contact our editors (right-click "Copy email address") if you have any question regarding the submission