see ALLRO`s ETHICAL CODE click here
Principle 1. All received manuscripts are read with fullest attention and are treated with equal importance, without any discrimination.
Principle 2. The value of the manuscript is the only factor influencing the decision YES/NO of the publication of the manuscript.
Principle 3. Individuals found to have acted fraudulently shall be excluded from publishing in our journal.
Principle 4. Writer-reader interaction should be nurtured in our journal, because, as a two-way street, it is an enriching experience.
Declaration : Sample text of cover letter
If the manuscript is accepted, authors must know the following:
Any further published research on the exact topic based on this article requires a citation of ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA FASCICULA LIMBA ȘI LITERATURA ROMÂNĂ;
The article should not be sent for concurrent submission to another journal. However, if the article is integrated in an ampler, further research (in a book), there is obligatory reference to the article published in ALLRO. Authors must inform the review's editors from the start if they do not fully comply with this condition (no manuscript sent here should be pending somewhere else)
Copyright transfer regarding the conditions and terms of publication. Approval for publication means automatically copyright transfer to ALLRO, in case of all accepted manuscripts. This transfer does not refer in any way to the ownership of the intellectual content of the article. Authors are the only owners of their content. Suppose an author objects to being published online. Authors should know that, by copyright transfer, the decision about the form of publication belongs to ALLRO, not to them.
In case of ALLRO, copyright transfer refers solely to the conditions and terms of publication.
Peer-review policy ALLRO advocates the open peer-review systems. It means that the sender of the manuscript appears with her/his name when the manuscript is sent by the reviews editor to the peer-reviewers (single-blind).
We have weighed up the pros and cons of masked author identity in the first stage versus open identity of manuscript sender throughout both stages of publishing. We totally agree with the masked review policy as a necessary tool for the warranty of objective, unbiased evaluations. However, guided by the purpose of our journal above all, we have resorted to the open, unmasked review: single blind. The final decision of the selection or rejection of a manuscript is taken by the majority of 5 votes: 2 peer-reviewers, the editor-in-chief, together with the editorial secretary and the associate editor-in-chief. The two written votes for publication (either a YES or a NO, the YES meaning publication after major correction or publication after minor correction) are already expressed at the time of decision. The three editors carefully analyze the file with the responses of the peer-reviewers. The two peer-reviewers of each manuscript have already expressed their opinions: “pro” or “against” publication (Yes/No on the final question of the peer-review form). The three mentioned executive editors also express an opinion when deciding the table of contents, either “pro” or “against” publication. The majority ( ≥ 3 of the 5 opinions)wins. The author is informed by one of the reviews editors. If the topic of the manuscript is not covered by ALLRO, the reviews editors inform the author directly without sending the manuscript to the peer-reviewers
Citation, bibliography: The academic style guide recommended for our journal is MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, seventh edition, 2009, irrespectively MLA Handbook, 8th edition, 2016. The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition; 17th edition) with footnote citation format is accepted.
All materials belonging to the prospective authors are protected by the respective copyright regulations. Members of ALLRO do not disclose the content of the materials and do not jeopardize in any way the copyright safety of the prospective articles. The address for sending the materials is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You can address your questions to the editorial secretary or to the reviews editors. You may use the mail address of the editorial secretary or the reviews editors for sending a manuscript only if you have their explicit consent about being ready to forward your manuscript.
Disclaimer : The responsibility of the opinions, ideas and attitudes expressed in this journal belongs solely to the authors. By sending us a cover letter or their CV, authors consent that the submitted articles are their original work.
All rights reserved. This publication cannot be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without asking the prior permission to Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Oradea.