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• Keywords (in English): Times New Roman 11 pt, italics, justified; 5–7 terms

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• Use the correct separation/linking lines: EN: In-Text Quotation, chapter – conclusions DE: sozial-politischer Machtdiskurse, das einem – einem Arzt oder Psychoanalytiker – erlaubt… FR: In-Text Quotation, chapter – conclusions RO: In-Text Quotation, chapter – conclusions

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• References: The Works Cited list and in-text citations will be written in our journal’s adapted MLA style. After a quote in the body of your paper, indicate the source in brackets, using the format specified below as the In-Text Citation form; all references should be given in alphabetical order at the end of the paper under the heading WORKS CITED, using the format specified below as the Works Cited form. The second line of the reference should be indented one tab. Please, do not number the entries in the Works Cited list.

Guidelines for MLA Citation Style


Type of Entry In-Text Citation Form Works Cited Form
Book. Single Author  (Williams 35).

Williams, Raymond. Culture and Society. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1978.

Book. Two or Three Authors  (Nachbar, Lause 55-56).

Nachbar, Jack, Kevin Lause. Popular Culture: An Introductory Text. Bowling Green Ohio: Bowling Green University State Press, 1922. NOTE: If there are more than three authors, name only the first and add et al. or name each author

No Author Given   (A Handbook of Korea 241-47). A Handbook of Korea. 4th ed. Seoul: Korean Overseas Information Service, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1982.
Author's Work in an Anthology   (Auerbach 10). Auerbach, Nina. "Jane Austen and Romantic Imprisonment." Jane Austen in a Social Context. Ed. David Monaghan. Totowa, NJ: Barnes, 1981. 9-27.
A Multivolume Work   (Ford 4: 20-22). Ford, Boris. The Pelican Guide to English Literature, 8 vols. London: Penguin, 1966.
Edition Other Than the First   (Dilworth 328-33). Dilworth, James. Production and Operation Management. 3rd ed. New York: Random House, 1986.
A Republished Book   (Doctorow 209-12). Doctorow, E.L. Welcome to Hard Times. 1960. New York: Bantam, 1976.
A Book in a Series   (Link 16-31). Link, Arthur. Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910- 1917. New American Nation Series. New York: Harper, 1954.
A Book having a Translator   (Amalrik 193). Amalrik, Andrei. Notes of a Revolutionary. Trans. Guy Daniels. New York: Alfred A. Knoff, 1982.
 An Unfinished Thesis or Dissertation  Yorik, L. S.  (Yorik 9)  "The Myth of Anchises in Shakespeare's Hamlet". Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation. Department of English, University of Chicago.
 A Private Communication  (Perry)   Information in a letter to the author from Professor John R. Perry, University of Chicago. September 14, 1987.
 An Article in a "Familiar" Reference Book ("Wasatch Range").   "Wasatch Range." Encyclopedia Americana. 1993 ed.
 Article in a Journal  (Spear 94).   Spear, Karen. "Building Cognitive Skills in Basic Writers." Teaching English in the Two-Year College 9. (1983): 91-98.
Article from a Weekly or Biweekly Magazine   (Gleick 33). Gleick, Elizabeth. "Sex, Betrayal and Murder." Time 17 July 1995: 32-33+.
Article from a Newspaper  (Jereski C1). Jereski, Laura. "Entertainment Stocks: Is a Boffo Performance Over?" Wall Street Journal 1 Aug. 1995, eastern ed.: C1+.
Film Review  (Harrington D1).  Harrington, Richard. "Under Siege 2: Railroad Ruckus." Rev. of Under Siege 2. Washington Post 15 July 1995: D1+.
Interview   (Morganis). Morganis, Nancy. Telephone Interview. 8 Aug. 1995.
Television program  ("Debate on Welfare Reform"). "Debate on Welfare Reform." Face the Nation. CBS. 6 Aug. 1995.
Electronic Source: Document Within Online Scholarly Project   ("Kosovo"). "Kosovo." Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. 13 Sept. 1999
Electronic Source: Article in Online Periodical  (Maxwell Library Home Page). Maxwell Library Home Page. 3 Aug. 1999. Clement C. Maxwell Library, Bridgewater State College. 13 Sept. 1999





Editorial Board 






EDITORS:    Senior Lecturer ADINA BANDICI, PhD


         DIANA-CRISTINA TANC, stud.

         CLAUDIA SANDA SOTIUȚ, stud.

         DENISA IONELA POP, stud.

         MARIA ANDREA COTRĂU, stud.

         ANDREI CĂLINESCU, stud.


Colegiul științific



Professor dr. habil. FLORIN CIOBAN (University Eötvös Loránd, Budapest, Hungary)

Associate Professor Dr. ELISABETTA MARINO (University of Rome, „Tor Vergata”, Italy)

Associate Professor Dr. habil. ADINA CHIRILĂ (West University of Timișoara)

Associate Professor Dr. VERONICA BUCIUMAN (University of Oradea)

Associate Professor Dr. MIHAELA BUCIN (University of Szeged, Ungaria)

Associate Professor Dr. LUCIA ISPAS (Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești)

Associate Professor Dr. ADELA DRĂUCEAN (University „Aurel Vlaicu” of Arad)

Associate Professor Dr. RAMONA SIMUȚ (University Emanuel of Oradea)

Associate Professor Dr. TEODORA GHIVIRIGA (University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iași)

Associate Professor Dr. CRENGUȚA GÂNSCĂ (University of Oradea)

Associate Professor Dr. GIULIA SUCIU (University of Oradea)

Senior Lecturer Dr. EVA SZEKELY (University of Oradea)

Senior Lecturer Dr. CIPRIANA-ELENA ÇAVAȘ (University Babeș–Bolyai, Cluj–Napoca)

Senior Lecturer Dr. CLAUDIA DOROHOLSCHI (West University of Timișoara)



Informații de contact

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